The McKenzie Method is a system of evaluating and treating spinal disorders as well as problems with the joints or muscles of the arms or legs. It is practiced extensively throughout the world in 40 countries and five continents. The majority of clinicians using this method in Canada are physiotherapists.
why is this different to other treatments?
You are encouraged to take an active role in your own recovery with the emphasis being on self-treatment.
On your first visit, a McKenzie trained clinician will give you a thorough examination, which is designed to determine what may be causing your pain. From this, we will create and train you in your own personalized treatment program.
During the course of treatment, you will be shown how to prevent and manage future related problems.
We will also develop a custom maintenance program for you to deal with any sudden attacks of pain.
We are committed to providing education to help empower you to self treat. We also carry published books on this method available for your use.
All the literature contained in the link below is relevant to our approach and treatment methods. It is built on proven evidence-based practices.
To learn more about these practices click here
For other information regarding the McKenzie Approach, please call us at (613) 729-8098, or visit the McKenzie Institute International website
Health Watch video report on the McKenzie Method